Fining the Warriors co-owner and banning him 1 year was the league being soft! “Privileged Foolishness”

OAKLAND — Money and privilege allows one to act a fool in America without consequence and it’s proven every day. On Wednesday night we saw it again rear it’s ugly head when what everyone thought was a Warriors’ fan shove Kyle Lowry after he dove out of bounds into the stands for a loose ball.

The idiot turned out not to just be a fan but he’s part owner of the the Warriors. The media keeps calling him an investor because that makes it sound like the dun is more removed from the team than he really is. Investor means that he’s got money in the team that means he’s a co-owner.

The league has now banned him from all games and team activities for 1 year and fined him $500,000. Now keep in mind that he not only shoved a player but he was talking crazy to him too. Ole boy was cursing and using all kinds of derogatory remarks pointed directly at Lowry.

A fan should have had his tickets revoked for life for acting a fool like that because that situation could have really gone south. Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! It could have been a Ron Artest-Pacers-Detroit riot up in that piece. All it would have taken is for Lowry to fire on ole boy and it would have gotten ugly.

So for a co-owner of a team to act a fool like that is ridiculous and there is no room for that type of behavior in the NBA. He should have been forced to sell his share of the team at a minimum. To only fine him $500K and tell him to stay at home for a year is nothing for a cat with his wealth. Not only is he a co-owner with the Warriors but he’s a prominent Silicon Valley investor as well. He’s loaded and thinks that he can act a fool because he’s got bread.

I’m just glad that he didn’t push Draymond or Boogie. There would be a completely different discussion this morning had that happened. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

2) Ole boy: noun – the person I’m talking about.