Fan ejected for shoving Kyle Lowry and he’s lucky that’s all he got! “Game Checks”

Kyle Lowry addresses a the fan that shoved him as he chased a ball out of bound during Game 3.

OAKLAND — Once again we run into the idiot fan that thinks he can say and do whatever he wants to NBA players and get away with it. It’s normally the knucklehead that has the bread to afford the front row seats that thinks that his money buys him the privilege to disrespect players. We’ve seen it several times this season with guys like Russell Westbrook getting into with them for either pushing him or calling him inappropriate names.

Well…on Wednesday night it happened again as Raptors guard Kyle Lowry chased a ball out of bounds and a fan literally shoved him and the dude wasn’t even the guy that Lowry ran into. It wasn’t like he was trying to protect himself by putting his hands up to absorb the contact. He was being messy and ignorant.

Lowry handled it like a “G” by not responding with violence in which he would have, had they been on the street. These fans simply don’t understand that they could get mopped trying to aggravate  these literal machines. That’s a professional athlete that you’re trying to talk crazy to and pushing the wrong cat at the wrong time can get you seriously injured.

The cat that threw that cup of water on Ron Artest is propably still having nightmares. I’m really surprised that we haven’t seen more incidents where players have snapped and gone after a fan because they’re way out of line.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The only reason these players don’t dive into the stands on a boy is because A) they’ll get suspended and B) that suspension comes with the loss of a game check, PERIODT!!! Have you seen what these game check look like? Back in the day boyz would fight in a heartbeat because they weren’t getting suspended and losing bread. Now it’s effecting the house money and Big Momma isn’t having it.

Even though players are conscious of the fact that they can lose money there are still those players that don’t care. The fan in Game 3 was lucky that he ran into Kyle Lowry. A cat like Draymond or Boogie probably would have jawed him before they realized it and got suspended. I’m just happy that the fool got ejected and I hope that his season tickets are revoked forever. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

2) Boyz: anybody relevant to the conversation