Antonio Brown files grievances and appeals to get his bread but doesn’t deserve ANY of it! “Man Down Situation”

Photo: Getty Images

Antonio, Antonio, where for art thou Antonio! Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and you’ll no longer be a Raider. Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this? ‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy: thou art thyself, though not a Patriot anymore.

Instead of Shakespeare writing Romeo and Juliet he should have waited around and wrote “Antonio Brown and the NFL” publicly getting a divorce and fighting over the money. Antonio Brown acted a complete fool, ran out on both the Raiders and the Patriots and now wants the very bread that he left on the table.

Brown is set to file nine appeals and grievances against the league to try to recoup the bread he threw away while thinking that he was bigger than the game.

It goes as follows:

• Fine appeals with the Oakland Raiders total $215,000

• Salary guarantees with Oakland: $29 million

• Signing bonus with Raiders: $1 million

• Oakland’s unpaid Week 1 salary: $860,000

Okay playas let’s pause like a comma right there for just a second. Ole boy wants his $29 million plus the $1 million in signing bonus that he was promised. Now I’m not lawyer but I do know that you have to show up and play to get your bread. Yes, they promised him a signing bonus but there’s typically a date that money is to be paid out. Don’t you have to be around on that date to get it? Maybe he was and I don’t know. If he was then pay him his bread. However, I’m not going to be mad at the Raiders for looking for ways not to pay the dun.

Why? Because all he had to do was show up to training camp wearing the stupid helmet that he was supposed to be wearing in the first place and we wouldn’t be arguing about any bread today. All he had to do was go to work and pick up the ENTIRE $30 million that they GUARANTEED him and everybody’s happy. However, he thought that he was bigger than the game.

Not only is he filing appeals and grievances with the Raiders but he’s going after the New England Patriots too. Here’s the foolishness he’s coming at them for:

• Patriots salary guarantee: $1 million

• Patriots signing bonus: $9 million

• Patriots’ unpaid Week 3 salary: $64,000

• Patriots’ option year in 2020: $20 million

Now let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! All of the foolishness following the Raiders debacle is mute because he shouldn’t have been over there in the first place. So it’s, either or bruh. You can’t get both grievances approved. That’s crazy. If someone is crazy enough to pay him for the Raiders grievance then he can’t get the Patriots bread too.

And for crying out loud, all Antonio Brown had to do was show up and play and the $30 million is in the bank already. What’s wrong with this dude? I hope that he doesn’t get a dime of this money because he thought that he was bigger than the game and he pissed it all away. Now that reality is starting to kick it he wants to cash the very checks that he blew his nose at just weeks ago. In my Frankie voice, “Antonio Brown is having a Man Down situation.” Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.