The OVERTIME coin toss didn’t beat the Chiefs! “It’s been called Sudden Death since 1946!”

Photo: Jeff Roberson/AP

Bruh…I’ve had to simply turn the television and radio off because these duns are driving me crazy talking about the AFC Championship Game with New England and Kansas City. First of all, everybody and their baby’s momma is upset that Tom Brady won again and is going to his 9th Super Bowl. Let’s just put that on the table first. Okay!!! If the Chiefs had won the darn game then we wouldn’t be having this ignorant conversation because all boyz wanted to see was Brady and Belichick go down and that didn’t happen.

However, we’re having this dumb conversation today because Mahomes didn’t win. Duns are literally on the radio and on national television shows saying that it wasn’t fair that New England won the toss in overtime and got the ball. ARE YOU SERIOUS? It’s the NFL!!! It’s called Sudden Death for a reason!!!

They’ve been playing professional football in this country since August 20,1920!!! The NFL was founded in Canton, OH!! You know, where the Hall of Fame is? Right there bruh! They’ve been playing Sudden Death overtime since it was approved for the championship game in 1946 and it’s remained in effect since. It was first used in the 1958 Championship Game. In 1974, the NFL adopted a 15-minute sudden-death overtime period for regular-season games, Then in 2017 it was cut to 10 minutes.

So the freakin’ rule has been in place since most of these cats have been alive!!! Therefore, to sit here and say that it wasn’t fair that Patrick Mahomes and Co. didn’t get a chance to get the ball is asinine. That’s how the game is played!!!  That’s like saying that you don’t like the fact that the field is 100 yards long and 65 yards wide because the players get tired running that far.

That’s how crazy these dudes sound and duns are actually agreeing with them. Why isn’t anybody talking about the fact that the Chiefs were completely overwhelmed in the first half by what Belichick threw at them? They finished the half with only running 16 plays, gaining a total of 32 freakin’ yards and had ZERO points!!! Let’s start there bruh!!! Not to mention they had the ball for a total of 8 minutes in the entire first half!!! That’s where they loss the game! Not in the overtime period.

They blew their wad trying to get back into the game to tie it up and when they got into the overtime period they were exhausted. That’s how the ball bounces bruh. The rules of overtime had absolutely nothing to with them losing. They got beat!!! Stop with this foolishness!!!! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.