Meyer may lose his job for “potentially” knowing about domestic abuse but police killing unarmed blacks on video are safe. “Darn Shame”

The irony of it all right? Photo: USA Today

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past 48 hours you’re well aware of the foolishness taking place at Ohio State. At this point, Urban Meyer is on paid administrative leave as they investigate as to whether he knew about his former wide receivers coach’s domestic abuse.

They are literally about to fire this dun for “potentially” knowing about the abuse of his former coach’s wife. However, some police officers in this country that have killed unarmed black folks on video and they’ve NEVER been threatened with being fired or convicted of a crime. That’s the shame of it all.

However, when folks raise the issue of Black Lives Matter the response is that ALL LIVES MATTER. Well playas…if they do then why aren’t those officers being held responsible for killing unarmed citizens of these United States?

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! This is why Colin Kaepernick initially took a knee during the national anthem. He risked his own career to protest police brutality, racial and social injustice and mainstream America is outraged that he would even do such a thing.

I’m not saying that it would be unjust to fire Urban Meyer for knowing about the domestic abuse. His contract states that as supervisory employee at Ohio State he has a responsibility to report it if he knew about it. What I am saying is that it’s a shame that he can and possibility will be fired for simply knowing about the domestic abuse and police officers are killing black folks on camera and not losing their jobs or going to jail in this America.

We’ve seen a man shot eight times in the back in South Carolina. We’ve seen officers put a gun to a man’s chest in New Orleans while he’s on the ground and blow his whole cavity away. We’ve seen a man tell an officer in Minnesota that he was simply reaching for his wallet while on Facebook live get shot more than five times in front of his girlfriend and child. We’ve seen a man literally get choked to death by police in New York City for selling loose cigarettes. We’ve seen so many black men killed while being stopped by police for routine traffic stops. We’ve seen brutal encounters with police that make your stomach turn and all of this was on video for the world to see and NOBODY has been threatened with losing their jobs or convicted of a crime.

This is America!!! This is the justifiable outrage of people of African descent in this country. We are constantly reminded that in America we may, by law, be considered to be 100 percent human beings but we’re still treated like three-fifths of a man and that’s a darn shame. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

The caption under the photo is real talk today!