How the NBA is about to run past the NFL to become the King of American sports!

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — Put your seat belts on playas! A seismic shift is occurring in the sports world and most people aren’t even aware of it. The NBA is taking over as America’s sport right before our eyes. Now I know that the NFL diehards will say that I’m losing my mind and that it’s blasphemous to say. However, it’s July 20th and we’re still talking about the NBA and where boyz will be playing in October.

The Baltimore Ravens reported to camp on Wednesday and the headline news story was about OKC trading Melo to Atlanta for Dennis Schroder. C’mon bruh!!! We’re still talking hoop in July and you don’t think that the NBA is about to take over?

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st!  Darn near since the beginning of time it seems like, the NFL has been the most dominant sport in America. Yeah, I know that baseball was once America’s past time but duns have been off of the diamond for a long time. The NFL has been king since at least the mid ’80’s and once Magic and Bird resurrected the NBA in 1979 boyz forgot all about baseball. It’s been sittin’ in the back seat of the ride for a long time.

The NBA learned in ’79 that marketing their players draws more interest to the league. Nobody cares about the teams because the team isn’t personal enough for the fans. Duns can rattle off every superstar in the NBA like the alphabet. They know what team they play for and darn near how much bread they make.

Ask a boy to name 5 players in the MLB and he needs a search engine. That’s pathetic. When was the last time you saw a major league baseball player on a commercial and you knew who he was?

Well playas…the NBA is running up the back of the NFL’s jersey right now. They are killing the game in name and face recognition and overall relevance. Over the past few years the tv revenue has gone through the roof and boyz are getting paid as a result of this foolishness. Not to mention that the NFL can’t get out of it’s own way with their anthem protest rules that have now come to a standstill with the NFLPA.

As long as the NFL keep tripping over their own feet the NBA will continue to keep rolling along. If we’re still talking about them in July as the NFL reports to camp, it won’t be long before the NBA is king of the hill. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

2) Ole boy: noun – the person that I’m currently talkin’ about.

The caption under the photo isn’t real but its real talk!