Donald Trump is the LAST person that should be putting the NFL on blast over the anthem debate! “Patriotism?”

Photo: Larry McCormack/The Tennessean via USA TODAY NETWORK

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — On Friday Donald Trump took to Twitter to criticize the NFL and in particular, Roger Goodell, on it’s handling of the national anthem protest debate. He said that the debate is “alive and well” and can’t “believe it!” Well…here’s his tweet right here:

Now keep in mind that the anthem protest was essentially dead in the water until the NFL back in May implemented a new policy on the protests that said that teams would be fined if players took a knee. However, players had the option to stay in the locker room during the anthem without penalty.

Now everybody and their baby’s momma knows that if players decided to stay in the locker room during the anthem they would still be criticized for being disrespectful to the flag by the ignorant folks that refuse to listen to the reason they are protesting in the first place. As Colin Kaepernick initially stated, taking a knee was in protest of police brutality, racial and social injustice.

On Friday the NFL and NFLPA announced a standstill on the policy after the Miami Dolphins jumped out of the birthday cake foamin’ at the mouth talking about suspending players for 4-games if they protested. Therefore, Trump is absolutely right that the debate is alive and well but he’s the LAST person on earth that should be criticizing anybody when he comes to American patriotism after the stunt he pulled in Helsinki this week.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! When you’re the President of the United States and you side with our known enemy to keep from admitting that they tampered in the democratic process that helped you win the election it doesn’t get any worse than that. Sure, the NFL is handling this situation terribly but the guy that performed the most unpatriotic act known to man can’t put them on blast.

That’s like the crack dealer telling on the heroin dealer. That’s like the bank robber calling the FBI to rat on the person committing wire fraud. That’s like the dun stealing cars calling the police on the guy breaking into houses stealing jewelry. C’mon bruh and anybody watching this foolishness that agrees with Trump tweeting about it is crazy.

The NFL has created this mess now they’ve got to fix it. Boyz were essentially done with the protests because they’ve already seen what has happened to Colin Kapernick’s career. There aren’t very many people that are willing to throw away an already short career to take a knee when it could cost them their livelihood. It was starting to fade away but the league keeps doing ignorant stuff to keep it going.

Donald Trump himself keeps throwing fire on the embers just to keep his base fired up. There were only a few players protesting until he called them SOB’s and the fire exploded. Then cats started taking a knee in defiance to what he said instead of actually protesting police brutality, racial and social injustice. The NFL announces the dumbest policy ever in May and now Trump tweets this foolishness out.

All he’s trying to do is keep the outrage going to keep his base fired up at the players instead of folks being upset with him for throwing the very country that he’s the leader of under the bus in Helsinki. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

2) Ole boy: noun – the person that I’m currently talkin’ about.

The caption under the photo isn’t real but its real talk!