Colin Kaepernick let the NFL off of the hook making himself look just as stupid! “Playing Games”

Photo: Carmen Mandato / Getty Images

I’ve always said that the best place in the world to be from is the hood. Why? Because if you can survive there you can survive ANYWHERE. I can spot a hustle getting out of the car down the street with a hoodie on at midnight. Both the NFL and Colin Kaepernick tried to run game on each other and they both ended up looking like some darn fools. And that’s the edited version.

All Kaepernick had to do was allow the NFL to hang themselves in this fiasco and he would walk away a martyr but that dun couldn’t help himself.

Everybody and their baby’s momma knew that the NFL was running game when they scheduled the workout in the first place. If teams were interested all they had to do was call the dun and work him out at their own facilities like they always do. So to say that boyz were interested was a flat out lie.

We’ve already discussed why it was a joke all week. I even wrote a Hot Joint entitled “Running Game” explaining to folks why the NFL may as well have told Kaepernick to count the jelly beans in the jar in order to get back into the league like they used to make black folks count the jelly beans to vote but without opening the jar. It was a set up.

There was never any intention to give that man a shot to play again and rightfully so. He’s already sued the league and settled out of court. In other words, HE’S ALREADY TAKEN THE MONEY!!!” Nobody’s going to hire him but he could have let the NFL look stupid on their own.

However, he dove into the fool’s water butt naked foamin’ out the mouth when he decided at the last minute to not only change the venue but the time of the workout too. Now he’s running game when he didn’t have to. He starts trippin’ over the liability waiver that the league gave him to sign. It’s the same one that everybody signs that works out for NFL teams including players invited to the Combine.

Now he’s looking for reasons to be difficult when there is no reason. The NFL was on some foolishness by even setting up the workout on a Saturday in the first place. But now he wants to workout at a high school in front of the media and fans. C’mon bruh. Then he’s hollerin’ about wanting the media and fans to see the workout because of full transparency. Since when did the media and fans dictate how good or bad a boy’z workout is and whether it was good enough for a team to hire a player? This is crazy!!!

This dun has been silent for three years not saying a word, in part, because he’s already taken the money so with that comes a gag order. However, now he jumps out of the birthday cake butt naked foamin’ at the mouth telling the league to stop running.

Here’s what he had to say after this foolish workout. “I’ve been ready for three years. I’ve been denied for three years. We all know why I came out here. I showed it today in front of everybody. We have nothing to hide. So we’re waiting for the 32 owners, 32 teams, Roger Goodell, all of them stop running. Stop running from the truth. Stop running from the people.”

WHAT!!? Bruh…you ran from the workout that was schedule, albeit it was for show because the NFL had no intentions of signing you, but you let them off of the hook. If he’d just shown up and worked out and not gotten picked up by a team the league would have looked stupid all by themselves.

However, by pulling this stunt Kaepernick looks just as stupid as the league. It’s as crazy as him telling the world after protesting that he doesn’t believe in voting. If he doesn’t believe in voting and didn’t vote in the last election why are we wasting time worrying about whether Colin Kaepernick gets a job? He doesn’t really care about what’s happening in this country because he doesn’t vote!! Stop with this foolishness.

Take your emotions out of it for one minute. If the dun wanted in then he would have followed the protocol. If a company calls you for an interview. You don’t get to call them and change the meeting place and the time. If you want the job you show up and conduct the interview as scheduled. C’mon bruh, this is stupid!!!

He’s out here looking for attention not results. If you don’t vote you’ve given away all of your power and really can’t say a word about the injustice in this country because you’re part of the problem. Kaepernick proved to all of us that he was no more serious about playing football than I am at this point. I’m done with this foolishness. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.