Blake Griffin’s ONLY paying $32K in child support! “Still a Jackpot”

"C'mon playa!!! Y'all know better than that!" Photo:

Radar Online jumped out of the birthday cake butt naked foamin’ at the mouth on Thursday tellin’ boyz that Blake Griffin was ordered to pay $258,000 per month in child support. The internet went crazy because the number was out of this world, literally.

I snapped and wrote the crazy Hot Joint entitled “$258K/month Bruh?” sayin’ that Blake should be the poster child for the next NBA Rookie Symposium. However, TMZ reported on Friday that he was only payin’ $32K month which makes way more sense. Talk about fake news right?

Based on his salary of $31.5 million this year that reasonable. I say fire the duns at Radar Online for reporting that foolishness. It’s a huge difference between 1 percent and 10 percent of a man’s salary.

Not only that, Radar had him out here looking like Willie Lollipop the sucker of the year payin’ $258K month in child support.

A grown adult on a respirator in critical condition doesn’t cost $258K per month to take care of bruh!

Blake Griffin was the joke of the day on Thursday and that’s not cool. I think that it’s still crazy for a boy to be paying $32k month for child support but that’s just how it goes.

Completely blows my mind that these cats continue to have babies with these women after they’ve seen all of the casualties. Think about all of the former players that have come before them that have gone down in flames because of child support.

They need to cut out the freakin’ middle man and just start giving the pay checks to whom ever these players are dating at the time they sign the contract.

Sports Illustrated did an article in March of 2009 entitled “How (and why) Pro Athletes Go Broke.” In this article it stated:

• By the time they have been retired for two years, 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress because of joblessness or divorce.

• Within five years of retirement, an estimated 60% of former NBA players are broke.

What’s so crazy is that during both the NFL and NBA Rookie Symposium’s they tell these cats this and they still run out here and jump in the pool butt naked. It’s ridiculous and 90 percent of the time they’ve got kids with chicks they aren’t even married to that they had absolutely no intentions of being with front the jump.

My point? They keep falling for the Oakey Doke having to take care of these women for the rest of their lives. The groupies literally hit the jackpot. Yes, Blake’s only paying $32k month in child support but that’s $384,000 per year for at least the next 13 years because the oldest child is five now.

Think about that bruh! That’s all tax free bread. That’s like having a job that pays darn near $790,000 per year. That’s for two kids and she isn’t paying a mortgage on a five bedroom house on Manhattan Beach that he already pays for!! That’s NUTS!!

And please don’t tell me that the kids should live at the same level he does because if that’s the logic then they should be living with him. However, these women keep finding naive cats walking around here blind folded and they catch a pay day that sets them up for life.

Who can you be mad at though? If the players are crazy enough to see cats before them go broke paying ridiculous amounts of child support and they keep doing it, It is what it is.

Boy…that little rabbit has been destroying kingdoms and sinking ships since the beginning of time. It’s like Father Time, it’s undefeated. Stop me I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

The G is excluded from the endings of all words because the G is near and dear to my heart because I’m from “The G” which is Gary, Indiana. So I only use the G when I’m talkin’ about “The G!”

The caption under the photo isn’t real but its real talk!