The dad that’s only coachin’ so his kid can start drives everybody else crazy! “That Dude!”

"Only volunteer to coach if you're genuinely interested in coaching!"

EVERY LITTLE LEAGUE FIELD, USA — Every dad wants to see his son do well on the athletic fields or courts. We all have dreamed of the day that our kid would be the stand out player in the local area. To see our little guy grow up to be the stud that’s on TV as well as in the newspapers for all of the right reasons. That would be a dream come true. To someday have the college recruiters callin’ the house to get your son to play at the Division 1 level would be awesome. Wow, wouldn’t it be great to see him get drafted to play in the NFL, NBA or MLB? Well playas…the reality is, that probably won’t happen. I was taught a long time ago, that “you don’t choose the sport, the sport chooses you.”

So don’t be “That dude!” The dad that’s in the way at the little league fields tryin’ to make his kid a star before you can even see if the kid has the potential to tie his freakin’ shoes or not. When my son was in little league or should I say “Daddy Ball,” it was the worse experience ever. We called it “Daddy Ball” because so many fathers that had NEVER even played sports as kids or those that were probably terrible always volunteered to coach. These were the duns that thought that their kid was a stud when in reality they were horrible.

How many times have you seen this picture? The dad that only coaches because he wants his kid to be the quarterback, pitcher or the point guard. Otherwise, his kid wouldn’t play. It’s the worse thing in the world because many times the kid doesn’t even want to play. The “old man” is forcin’ the child to come out everyday and it’s as clear as Vodka that the kid isn’t even interested.

Don’t be the guy that all of the other parents talk about in the league. Here’s what’s being said about your bruh, “Your kid sucks and you seem to be the only one that can’t see that.” Let me tell you something, “If you have to coach your kid’s team in order for him to start, he’s not very good.” As a matter of fact, he’s horrible and you should find something else for him to do. Here’s why? Everybody starts in little league bruh! If a kid is comin’ off of the bench at 10 it’s not his sport, so find something else for him to do. Why is it that some dads can’t see that their kid may not be very good? I mean, the kid that can’t catch a cold, hit water if fell out of a boat, or can’t hit the broad side of a barn he should or she shouldn’t be out there. Everybody can see it but “That Dude.”

Now if you’re tryin’ to teach the kid a lesson in patience and diligence then by all means leave him or her out there. If you’re tryin’ to teach them how to compete then it’s the best thing for them. However, if you’re tryin’ to make a stub out of a kid that doesn’t have stud DNA then you’re makin’ a fool out of the both of you.

If your child needs you in order to see the field he doesn’t have a future in that sport. If your coachin’ because you love the game and feel like you can do a better job than the other dads then by all means coach. However, if you’re only coachin’ because you want your kid to be the star, you’re “That Dude” and you stink!

It’s all about the team and the kids development not about your child bein’ the star. Now only you can answer that question and I want you to be honest with yourself. Don’t say it’s about of the team and you know that you just want to tell your friends at work that your son scored over the weekend. “That Dude” should be punished by havin’ to wear a scarlet letter “TD” on his chest so people can throw rocks at him, at will.

Remember, we all want to see our children succeed. However, don’t get in the way because you’re tryin’ to re-live your childhood. You can’t go back and score anymore touchdowns, hit anymore home runs and score the game winnin’ shot. Nope!!! It’s over for you but it’s your child’s opportunity to become his or her own person. Let them become one so that they don’t eventually become “That Dude” too.

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

The G is excluded from the endings of all words because the G is near and dear to my heart because I’m from “The G” which is Gary, Indiana. So I only use the G when I’m talkin’ about “The G!”

The caption under the photo isn’t real but its real talk!