TALL respect for LeBron, Steph, KD and Steve Kerr for sayin’ what’s real about Trump’s behavior! “Uninvited?”

"Are y'all goin' to the White House if you win? Nope! What about y'all? Nope! Cool!" Photo: Photo: Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

It’s a shame that we have a president that doesn’t understand what real freedom actually is. It’s almost laughable that he refuses to see the damage that he’s doin’ to this country by simply tryin’ to appease his base. He’s EVERYBODY’S president. Not for just the people that voted for him.

In case you’ve been under a rock for the past 48 hours ole boy uninvited the Super Bowl Champs to the White House after he found out that, most if not all, of the black players had chosen not to attend. I wrote the Crazy Hot Joint on Tuesday entitled “Savin’ Face” to breakdown how he literally pulled the invitation so that he wouldn’t be standin’ out on the lawn by himself lookin’ crazy.

On Tuesday durin’ his press conference before Game 3 of the Finals LeBron was asked about all of this foolishness and he said, “I’m not surprised. It’s typical of him. I mean, I know no matter who wins this series, no one wants the invite anyway. So it won’t be Golden State or Cleveland going.” Here’s the footage from ABCNews’ Twitter account:

Shortly thereafter, both Steph Curry and Kevin Durant agreed that neither team would accept an invite to the White House. Steve Kerr even got in on it by sayin’ “It will be nice when we can just get back to normal in three years.” When asked if he’d support any of his players if they chose to kneel. Kerr was as clear as Vodka in his response.  Now keep in mind that there is already a rule in place that was established in the 1980’s that all players in the NBA should stand for the national anthem.

However, Kerr broke it down like this, “Yeah, of course, because you have to understand that what players have protested is not the military. They’re protesting police brutality and racial inequality. So if any American wants to protest that anytime, that’s their right as Americans. That’s what the military fights for, is free speech. So I would be perfectly fine with any of our players doing so.”

What’s so crazy is that our president has chosen to purposely divide our country on issues of race. It’s mighty funny that the professional sports teams that are predominantly black have decided not to show up even before the invitation was extended or were never invited in the first place.

The Golden State Warriors had decided not to go even before ole boy pulled the invitation. The Eagles weren’t goin’ before he yanked what they didn’t want anyway. He never even invited the Minnesota Lynx who won the WNBA title last year. However, he did invite the baseball’s Houston Astros, Hockey’s Pittsburg Penguins, NASCAR’s Martin Truex. What do all of the teams that were invited have in common? They’re aren’t very many black players in those sports so even if they had decided to boycott the president’s invite they wouldn’t be missed.

The New England Patriots did show up because Tom Brady and Robert Kraft rock with Trump but half of the team didn’t show up.

There is a reason why these black players have decided not to hang out with the president. It’s because he’s decided to purposely divide our country along the lines of race and gender. It’s ridiculous and I’m glad that our athletes that have a major platform and voice are willin’ to speak up on these issues that affect us all.

I’ve got major respect for cats like LeBron, Steph, KD and Steve Kerr for havin’ the gonads to say what’s real about the person that is in office right now. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

2) Ole boy: noun – the person that I’m currently talkin’ about.

The G is excluded from the endings of all words because the G is near and dear to my heart because I’m from “The G” which is Gary, Indiana. So I only use the G when I’m talkin’ about “The G!”

The caption under the photo isn’t real but its real talk!