Super Bowl LIII Pre-Game Speech! “It’s Game Time Playas!”

“This is the day that you’ve dreamed about your entire lives. You can’t slow it down because God will only give us the same twenty four hours TODAY that he gave us on yesterday. So we’ve got to cherish this moment and take full advantage of the opportunity while we’ve got it.

You’ve dreamed of playin’ in the Super Bowl since the first day you picked up a football. Now God has chosen YOU out of the millions of kids that started on this journey from the projects, the suburbs and yes, even rural America. There have been boyz with far more talent than you possess, more athletic ability, more style and charisma; but YOU are the duns that have made it to Atlanta on THIS day.

Gentleman, you have been predestined to run out of this locker room to show the world that you belong in America’s Game. Now that you’re here, what are you gonna to do with the opportunity? It’s not enough to just show up, to bring your camera and soak it all in. God didn’t bring you here to have a vacation. So what are you prepared to do this evenin’?

I’ve always told you that championships are not won on game day; that the game is only a culmination of events. This championship was won durin’ the off season when the other teams were havin’ a good time and you were puttin’ in work. When everyone practiced for two hours and went home and you stayed and put in 100 extra reps everyday. When everyone was asleep and you got up at 5am to put in work in addition to your regular workouts, you put yourself in a position to be become a champion.

The trophy was bein’ engraved when you decided that you weren’t gonna let boyz tell you what you could or couldn’t accomplish. Your ring was sized the day you cut off friends that weren’t goin’ in the same direction that you were goin’. Your name and picture was immortalized in the book of champions the day that you bought into our mission. Every diamond in the settin’ of that ring represents the sweat that you put in to get to this very moment.

Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”

So as a result my brothas, this game is just a matter of formality. It’s just another part of what we have to do to show the world what we’ve already become. CHAMPIONS!

Now who’s got the intestinal fortitude to last the sixty minutes we’ve been given to decide this thing? We don’t have to be the best team; we just have to be the best team durin’ this allotted time. It’s just that simple because nothin’ has changed playboy. The field is the same 100 yards in length and 65 yards in width that it was when the season started. The goal posts are still 10 feet high and 18 feet 6 inches wide like they were two weeks ago. The refs are still the same ole suckas from Footlocker tryin’ to sell you some repeat Jordan’s from twenty years ago. If you can remember that when you run out of this locker room, you’ll return as champions and become immortals in the “Football Book of Greatness” forever.

However, if you allow the moment to get too big, you’ll fail miserably and 24 hours from now you’ll be irrelevant to the rest of the world. You’ll have what the ole timers would say, “A face that only a mother could love.” So how do you wanna do this bruh? I say we go out there and put ourselves in a position to be relevant tomorrow!” So LET’S RIDE!!!!!”

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dull: adjective – to describe something as bein’ terrible, something that makes you sick with disgust because it’s so stupid to even think of.

2)  Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.