Reggie Miller slams NYPD for whining about being respected and Tweeter responds with ignorance. “He’s Rich But He’s Still Black”

Now that the police all over this country are under fire for defending it’s bad apples the NYPD Union Chief is hot. He held a news conference going off telling the world to “stop treating us like animals and thugs and for people to give them some respect.”

Well the big homie, Reggie Miller, saw it and retweeted it with his comments of the foolishness that ole boy was spitting. The 18-year NBA veteran responded with, “CRY ME A RIVER… You’ve been getting roasted for 2 weeks, now imagine the black and brown people their entire lives.. Also are there any black cops in NYC that’s support your whining rant, I just see a sea of white faces.. Stop killing us and you don’t have to worry.”

All of a sudden the comments to Reggie’s post were absolutely ignorant. The first and most ignorant comment was from Maitland Hardware and the guy literally said, “STOP KILLING US” Who is “us” Reggie? Places Reggie Miller has lived the past 25 years -Geist Reservoir, Indiana 89% white, 3% black -Malibu, California 92% white, 1.2% black”

Let’s stop right there. People think that because Reggie Miller and brothers like him that are rich that don’t live in the hood are exempt from being black. Not only is he black but his family and his extended family of black folks all over this country. So to answer your ignorant question the “US” is all black folks which includes Reggie.

Just because he lived in and currently lives in predominantly white neighborhoods doesn’t mean that he’s excluded from the black experience in America. Even if Reggie or players of his stature aren’t being brutalized by the police they still know people that are.

Also because they’re rich and have kids that drive cars or live in the real world. They are most likely to get pulled over driving in the rich neighborhood in an expensive car because they’re black. Rich black folks worry about their kids too. The police aren’t just brutalizing poor black folks in this country. You sound crazy and even if they were, wrong is wrong.

What kind of foolish logic is that. Any time you’ve got a connection with people you’re called a brother or sister. If you’re black in America you’re in the brotherhood of this African voyage of civil rights that our ancestors have been on for 401 years. If you’re Christian you’re in the brotherhood of believers that Jesus started over 2000 years ago. Therefore, that fact that Reggie is rich doesn’t exclude him or any other rich ball player from being black and dealing with and wanting to fight the oppression of this country.

We just saw Milwaukee Bucks guard Sterling Brown being arrested and harassed by the police in January of 2018. He parked in a handicap parking space at 2:30am at a pharmacy to run in and get a prescription. There were no other cars in the parking lot. However, the police called several cars to jam this guy up. Why? You know the reason why. He could have been killed for parking in a handicap space. Was that worth the response it got and was it worth risking that man’s life?

Comments like this towards Reggie Miller only fuels the ignorance of the racism that exists in this country and the reason why he felt the need to comment on the NYPD’s whining.

The chief goes on to say that 99 percent of cops are good and that they don’t condone what the cops did in Minneapolis. I’d ask the question, Did he condone the killing of Eric Garner in the same manner in July of 2014 when the NYPD choked him to death? Miss me with the foolishness that 99 percent of cops are good when nobody ever turns in the bad apples.

If 99 percent were good we wouldn’t be having this ignorant discussion. If people refuse to see that wrong is wrong regardless of who it’s happening to racism will continue to thrive. Stop me when I start lyin’!