Refs want attention as they tech Lance Stephenson for his Air Guitar! “Striped Egos”


Why do referees think that people pay good money to see them call a game? Some of these dudes get caught up on themselves so much that they actually think folks show up to see them blow their whistles and argue with coaches and players.

On Saturday night these same Footlocker cats hit the big homie, Lance Stephenson or as I like to call him “Lance The Don Dada,” with a technical foul for playing his air guitar after hitting a three-pointer to go up 32 over the Charlotte Hornets.

The dun has been in the league for 9 years and literally has been playing the air guitar for at least 6 consistently. I covered him while he was with the Pacers both times and when ole boy is feeling it he puts on a show!!! He plays the guitar, wiggles, sits on the ground if knocked to the ground and rolls his shoulders etc. And guess what? The crowd loves him for it. Why? Because it’s entertainment!!! They pay good money to see the game and the show within the game.

Why would you tech a boy for having some emotion while playing the game? These cats kill me saying that you’re taunting the other team. That’s what you’re supposed to do bruh!!!! It’s called competition!!! What do you think players are supposed to do? Just play the game without emotion?

Since the beginning of time in every HOOD, USA boyz have been talking trash to one another. That’s as big a part of sports as the game itself. It’s the game inside of the game. Leave that man alone and let him play his guitar and just make the right calls. Nobody’s paying to see you blow your whistle. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.