LeBron tackles Trumps false narrative and encourages folks to VOTE in November! “Leadership”

On Wednesday morning in a phone interview with “Fox & Friends” Donald Trump said that when he sees NBA players kneeling during the national anthem he “turns the game off.”

When LeBron was asked his opinion of what Trump had to say after his Lakers had gotten blasted by the Oklahoma City Thunder 105-86 during the post-game press conference he had this to say.

“I really don’t think the basketball community are sad about losing his viewership, him viewing the game.”

He went on to say, “I think our game is in a beautiful position and we have fans all over the world and our fans not only love the way we play the game, we try to give it back to them with our commitment to the game. But also respect what else we try to bring to the game and acknowledge it — what’s right and what’s wrong. And I hope everyone, no matter the race, no matter the color, no matter the size, will see what leadership that we have at the top in our country and understand that November is right around the corner and it’s a big moment for us as Americans. If we continue to talk about, ‘We want better, we want change,’ we have an opportunity to do that. But the game will go on without his eyes on it. I can sit here and speak for all of us that love the game of basketball: We could care less.”

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Donald Trump isn’t turning on the games in the first place. He’s literally making statements like that to hype up his base and get them going. If you don’t mess with something you don’t mess with it. So why on earth would any rational human being believe that he’s turning the NBA or the NFL on for that matter?

Here’s what he told Fox & Friends. “When I see people kneeling during the playing and disrespecting our flag and national anthem, what I do personally is turn off the game. I think it’s disgraceful. We work with [the NBA], we worked with them very hard trying to get open. I was pushing for them to get open. Then I see everybody kneeling during the anthem. That’s not acceptable to me. When I see them kneeling during the game, I just turn off the game. I have no interest in the game. Let me tell you this, plenty of other people out there, too.”

Now who believes the president was working with the NBA to get it open? Really? This is simply another stunt to hype up his base and change the narrative from fighting against police brutality, racial and social injustice to disrespecting the flag. Sadly, there are people out there that believe his narrative despite folks saying loud and clear that it’s about fighting against racism in America.

We’ve got to applaud LeBron James, the biggest name in the game, for using his platform to speak out against foolishness and to encourage EVERYONE to vote in November. That’s called using your fame to make a difference. Leadership. Stop me when I start lyin’!