LeBron has fan removed! She must have entered the danger zone! “Mums the Word”

I’m blown away by the amount of folks that are upset with LeBron for being a human being and not tolerating disrespectful fans sitting court side. During the Pacers’ game on Wednesday night he literally stopped what he was doing, walked the ref over to a lady sitting court side that apparently said something so egregious that she needed to be removed.

None of us knows what she said but LeBron and the people sitting near her. However, it had to be some of the worst comments ever because ole boy was hot about it.

And please don’t act like you’ve never seen this movie before? I’ve been covering the NBA for 11 seasons and many of the privileged folks sitting court side are the absolute worst because they think that they can just say anything to these guys on the court and get away with it. Trust me, most of what is said has absolutely nothing to do with the game of basketball. That’s the problem.

So for LeBron to stop in the middle of a game, walk over and point to her saying “This person right F–king here.” She had to have said something that would have gotten her tapped up on the streets by LeBron’s wife.

If LeBron heard it then everyone in that section heard it. However, everybody was mums the word acting like they didn’t hear a thing. Stop with this foolishness. That makes whatever she said even worse.

I heard folks saying “could you imagine if Reggie Miller were as soft as LeBron and had Spike Lee kicked out of a game?”

I can guarantee you that Spike Lee didn’t say what this woman said to LeBron. Trust me on that. Spike Lee was heckling Reggie about the game of basketball. He was talking some ole regular trash that black folks talk during a game.

We know what Spike was saying because all of the players including Reggie had love for him when the games were over. That’s why he’s still sitting court side today.

That woman will probably be banned from attending another game for life. Stop hating and look at this foolishness for what it is. If it were anyone other than LeBron folks wouldn’t be trippin’! Stop me when I start lyin’!