Laura Ingraham made a fool of herself trying to respond to LeBron. “3/5’s No More”

Say what you want about LeBron James but one thing you won’t ever say about him is that he doesn’t use his voice to speak out on foolishness in America. That’s what you won’t say. I applaud the big homie for using his platform to keep these fools in check.

After Drew Brees literally threw up in his mouth a few days ago everybody and their Uncle LeRoy and cousin Man-Man climbed all over him for saying “I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country” in an interview with Yahoo Finance.

Then Fox News Anchor Laura Ingraham tried to defend the New Orleans Saints quarterback saying, “He’s allowed to have an opinion.”

Then LeBron climbed up to the highest ledge and dove right into that foolishness by reminding Ingraham of her hypocrisy. In 2018 when LeBron and KD voiced their opinions about Donald Trump not giving a rip (that’s the edited version) about the people. She told them to “Shut up and dibble.”

Well here’s what she said verbatim, “It’s always unwise to seek political advice from someone who gets paid $100 million a year to bounce a ball. Oh, and LeBron and Kevin, you’re great players, but no one voted for you. Millions elected Trump to be their coach. So keep the political commentary to yourself, or as someone once said, ‘Shut up and dribble.'”

You already know that LeBron wasn’t about to let her change up the game with Drew Brees. That’s the double standard black folks in America have been dealing with for far too long.

If LeBron and KD needs to shut up and dribble then Drew Brees needs to shut up and throw the ball. However, instead of simply saying that she was dead wrong in addressing LeBron and KD that way.

She tries to act like we never heard her say that foolishness. Her response to LeBron on Thursday night was, “I think in order to heal and shed light on gross injustices, our country needs more dialogue, not less.  And we need more respect, less retribution.”

She goes on to say, “We are all human beings on this earth for a very short period of time when you think about it, This is a moment when we should be listening and learning. All of us.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Why did it take a white professional athlete that’s made more than $100 million to voice his opinion on something political for her to say that “we need more dialogue, not less. And we need more respect, less retribution?”

This is the very definition of racism in America. The black man can’t have an opinion but the white man can? That’s crazy and I’m glad that we’re finally getting to a point in this country where that thinking will no longer be tolerated at least publicly. It’s no longer cool to be THAT guy.

Laura, it would have made much more sense to simply say, ‘Hey LeBron and KD, I’m sorry for being ignorant two years ago when you gave your opinion about Trump. You’re entitled to your own opinion even if I don’t agree with it.’

All black folks in America want is to be treated like human beings that belong in this country and that are protected by the constitution of the United States. We all realize that when it was written it wasn’t inclusive of us because we were considered by the authors of the constitution to be 3/5’s human at the time.

However, today is a new day and we want every right and privilege that is granted to American citizens and that includes equal rights under the law. We’ve been fighting for that freedom for 401 years in this country and we want all of it. We built this country for free. So if anybody deserves to be treated with all of the rights and privileges, we do. Stop me when I start lyin’!