Why Warren Central’s Stacy Mitchell is our Black Panther of Indiana High School Girls hoops! “Inspired”

Stacy Mitchell representin' us well as he becomes the first African-American coach to win an Indiana High School Girls state title. Photo: TheJayGravesReport

With all of the hype of the Warren Central Lady Warriors winnin’ their first State Championship in school history on Saturday. One of the most historic parts about the win has almost fallen by the wayside. Their head coach, Stacy Mitchell, became the first African-American to win an IHSAA state title in Indiana girls basketball history.

Talk about huge playboy!!!! That’s beyond HUGE!!! Big shout to Coach Mitchell for holdin’ it down and gettin’ through to the other side.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! When someone becomes the first African-American to accomplish something it’s a big deal because we’re still tryin’ to knock down barriers in so many different professions. Sure, we’ve made tremendous strides over the years but until it becomes normal to see us in positions of power and accomplishment we’ll continue to be excited when our chosen few reach the mountain tops in their professions.

Coach Mitchell was our Black Panther last weekend because he inspired everyone that looked like him to be great when he stood up on that podium and held up that state championship trophy. I’m not a coach nor do I aspire to be one. However, he made me proud to be a black man on Saturday night.

When one of us does well it’s makes it easier for the rest of us to get the opportunity to succeed. Why? Because unfortunately, in whatever profession you’re in as a black person you represent all of us good or bad. If you act a fool at work you destroy opportunities for the next African-Amercian comin’ in behind you because you represent all of us.

When the white guy does something crazy he’s judged individually and his actions don’t affect the next person that looks like him. So when Coach Mitchell carries himself with class and grace after winnin’ the Class 4A State Title it opens the door for the next up and comin’ black coach to be able to put in work.

We’re constantly standin’ on the shoulders of those that came before us and we all have a responsibility to make the opportunities for the next generation easier. We can only do that by takin’ pride in what we do and bein’ great at doin’ it.

So salute to the real life Black Panther of Indiana High School Girls Basketball, Coach Stacy Mitchell, for inspirin’ us all to be great!!!! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

The G is excluded from the endings of all words because the G is near and dear to my heart because I’m from “The G” which is Gary, Indiana. So I only use the G when I’m talkin’ about “The G!”

The caption under the photo isn’t real but its real talk!