Why the NBA is light years ahead of the NFL in embracing it’s black players and hip hop culture! “Totally Gettin’ It”

Photo: NBA

CHARLOTTE — As the 2019 NBA All-Star Weekend comes to a close I have to reflect on why I love covering the National Basketball Association. It’s as simple as, they totally get it unlike the NFL. Both leagues are more than 70 percent black with the NBA having 74.4 percent of it’s players being of color.

The NBA understands how to celebrate and embrace the culture of the majority of it’s players. Why is it that they never have the problems that the NFL has when it comes to race and culture when both leagues are majority black? It’s because the the NBA respects the reality of the world’s their players come from. Just because we all live in America in the same neighborhoods, work together and breathe the same air doesn’t mean that we live the same experience. The NBA understands that better than the NFL.

So therefore, they allow the players to express themselves more openly with the freedom to use their platforms to spark change in America.

The owners don’t try to dictate how the players operate culturally like the old farts in the NFL try to do. The foolishness took place in the NFL with Colin Kaepernick is long gone in the NBA because the discussions would have taken place in a more respectful manner. The owners, for the most part, understand where their bread is buttered and they wouldn’t dare collude now to try to keep a player out of the league for standing up to make people aware of police brutality, racial and social injustice.

It took them some time before they got it but they finally did. Remember when Craig Hodges of the Chicago Bulls was blackballed out of the league following the ’92/’93 season after the team’s White House visit? Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf born Chris Jackson was banned for not standing for the national anthem too. However, the league has come a long way since then and it’s better for it.

Let’s just look at the All-Star Game this weekend. Hip Hop culture was all over it. Every aspect of it, including the unbelievable halftime show featuring J. Cole who completely rocked it, was catered to a young hip hop audience. Yes, I know that old head white cats are buying the tickets in the NBA but they love the flavor that the NBA exudes too.

Hip Hop is the No.1 music genre in the world and it sells every type of product imaginable. It’s no different in the NBA and that’s why when you’re at the games all you ever hear is hip hop music. They totally get it. I love going to shoot around before the games because I love the music. It’s incredible!!!

The games during the regular season and into the playoffs are just so much fun not only to cover but to watch because the league allows the players to be themselves. They don’t restrict them on the floor by trying to take the emotion out of the game like the NFL does. Part of that emotion comes from their culture and upbringing regardless of where they’re from. We are nationally emotional and spiritual people. Thanks NBA for totally getting it. I look forward to continuing to cover this league with even more passion than ever. Stop me when I start lyin’!