Why Kaepernick’s protest is still necessary as Starbucks refuels the fire! “Papa Johns”

Photo: Kirby Lee / USA TODAY Sports)

Just a couple of days ago Colin Kaepernick refused to tell the Seattle Seahawks whether he would continue to kneel durin’ the national anthem. So they postponed his workout with the team. Then you heard duns all over the country sayin’ that he’s doin’ too much and that he’s made his point already.

Now this was comin’ from mostly people that don’t look like him that have never experienced police brutality, racial or social injustice. They just want to watch the football game and never be reminded of how racist this country can be to it’s citizens of color.

Well playas…on Thursday a video went viral on Twitter of two black men bein’ arrested in a downtown Philadelphia Starbucks for sittin’ there doin’ absolutely nothin’. They came into the store, used the restroom and was waitin’ on a friend of their’s to show up.


The police were called because they hadn’t bought anything and the employee that jumped the gun told them that they had to buy somethin’ in order to stay. Now how many people have gone to Starbucks to meet with co-workers or to just get some work done and never buy anything? I’m one of them because I don’t drink coffee.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! What’s insultin’ is that people are tellin’ Kaepernick and other players that they don’t want to see them protest durin’ the NFL games because they’re ruinin’ their Sunday. They don’t want to see that when they turn on the TV. They don’t want to be forced to see somethin’ that they don’t care about.

Well…I bet the two young brothers that were arrested and viewed all over the world for sittin’ in a Starbuck waitin’ on their homeboy to show up didn’t want to become famous for sittin’ in a coffee shop doin’ absolutely nothin’ wrong either. I’m quite sure they didn’t want to be inconvenienced by havin’ to go to jail for not breakin’ the law either.

While folks complain about someone interruptin’ their Sunday afternoon fun nobody cares about the unarmed black men dyin’ at the hands of police officers all over this country. And please don’t bring up the problem of black on black crime where 93 percent of all black homicides are committed by black people if you’re not goin’ to bring up the fact that 83 percent of all white homicides are committed by white folks.

The police have taken an oath to “protect and serve” so we shouldn’t be worried about a policeman killin’ folks when they are called. However, as black folks we always are.

Those same duns tellin’ Kaepernick that they don’t mind him protestin’ but to do it on his own time are bein’ selfish because incidents like those that happened at Starbucks don’t happen to white people.

It crazy that our white brothers and sisters at Starbucks on Thursday were literally standin’ around askin’ the question, “Why doesn’t this type of foolishness happen to us?” But in the next breath people will be tellin’ rich black athletes to “just shut up and play.”

How can you expect them to just shut up and play when a kid rings a white man’s door bell in Michigan at 8am to get directions because he was lost tryin’ to get to school and he’s shot at for bein’ a black child. But idiots will argue that “All Lives Matter.” I wish that they did.

We all clearly understand that police brutality, racial and social injustice is wrong but so many people don’t want the very people that are experiencin’ these realities to say that it’s wrong because they’ll say that it interrupts their Sunday. Now I’m still tryin’ to figure out how it interrupts their Sunday when the national anthem is still bein’ played?  It’s ridiculous!!

It’s just another way for people to say that I don’t care what happens to you or your people because it literally doesn’t affect me or mine. I applaud Colin Kaepernick for what he’s doin’ to continue to bring attention to the injustice that black people constantly face in this country even in 2018.

Did I mention that once the video went viral Starbucks and the prosecutor’s office decided not to press charges on the two young men? Now if they’d done somethin’ wrong the charges would have been brought but when you know that you’re wrong it has a way of makin’ boyz retreat.

Well playas…it’s too late for that now. It’s like shootin’ a gun and tryin’ to put the bullets back in. I hope people boycott Starbucks just like they did Papa Johns and they lose millions for treatin’ those two young black men crazy. Stop me when I start lyin’.

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

The G is excluded from the endings of all words because the G is near and dear to my heart because I’m from “The G” which is Gary, Indiana. So I only use the G when I’m talkin’ about “The G!”