Stephen A. Smith being humble but not truthful saying you can be me! “American Fantasy”

Photo: BIG3/Getty Images

On Thursday I wrote a crazy Hot Joint entitled “Don’t Hate the Playa” giving Stephen A. Smith his props for becoming the highest paid on-air personality in the history of ESPN. Ole boy is set to make anywhere from $8 million to $10 million per year when he signs his next deal with the World Wide Leader in Sports.

So on Thursday evening he tweeted out something that he’s been saying for years and I applaud him for trying to be humble but it’s simply not true. He said, “For the Jay-Zs, LeBrons, Shaqs and others I don’t consider them the American Dream. I consider me the American Dream. They’re the American fantasy, you got a one in a billion shot if not more to be them, but you can be Stephen A.

Again, it all sounds good my brother but you’re being humble. You are the American Fantasy as well. There’s only one ESPN or Wide World Leader in Sports and there are only so many jobs out there. Sure, a kid can graduate from college and get a job in sports journalism and make a decent living. Sure, they may even be able to get a job on television in a local market. They may even get blessed enough to get a job on a regional platform.

It’s no different than a young cat recording an album and selling it out of the trunk of his car, or getting crazy streams. He can actually make a living doing it too. His hustle and grind is no different than Jay-Z’s etc. However, he may not get the same opportunity as Jay-Z did on the way up. That’s why when boyz see a cat like that he’s the American Fantasy and no different than Stephen A.

He got his big break as a beat writer in Philly covering the 76ers with Allen Iverson one of the most prolific players to EVER play the game. Covering A.I. opened the doors to ESPN for Stephen A. There was only one job available for that bruh and grace and favor gave it to him. That’s the American Fantasy playa. He’s been blessed.

Why do we even know who Brian Windhorst is right now? Because he was covering the Cleveland Cavaliers at the right time covering the best player in the world. It’s called time and chance bruh!! And most importantly FAVOR. You can’t turn on a television without seeing Windhorst talking LeBron because he was the primary dun covering him on the come up. So now he’s with ESPN. It’s called favor and that’s the American Fantasy.

Therefore, to make it all the way to ESPN is the ultimate job and to be the main cat on the flagship sports station is to be LeBron or Jay Z. Yes, there are a ton of cats that are as talented, with as much drive, charisma and flavor to do what Stephen A. does. However, it’s all time and chance, which is ultimately the blessing.

Don’t ever underestimate the power of God to open doors that don’t get opened for everybody else. It’s called favor my man. That’s not to say that the Jay-Z’s or Stephen A.’s of the world didn’t put in the work and the time to get to where there are today. However, it was favor that opened the door to the opportunities that they’ve been able to take advantage of.

The millionaire cat isn’t the only one out here hustlin’, getting up at 4am and grindin’ until midnight and sleeping only 4 hours only to do it all over again the next day for 365 days a year for 10 years plus. That’s the story of my life playa.  So please understand, Stephen A., that while I appreciate you thinking that everybody can be you because you don’t see yourself as a big deal. It’s a big deal my brother and it was because of grace and mercy that you’ve been able to become the highest paid on-air personality on ESPN. Why? Because you could have easily been fired long ago like most of the others but God saw fit for you to continue on this journey.

We all are where we are in our professions by the grace of God. Sure, we’ve put in the work but there’s only so many jobs available and there are way more people than opportunities. Salute my brother and keep representing the brotherhood with class and dignity to help open the doors for others that look like you. Stop me when I start lyin’!