Reggie Bush gets paid because of the Rams negligence! “Good for him!”

Photo: Michael B. Thomas/Getty Images

On Tuesday former NFL running back, Reggie Bush, got paid!!! Well…he was ordered to get paid. The Los Angeles Rams were order to pay ole boy $12.5 million in damages for a knee injury he suffered in 2015 while playin’ for the San Francisco 49ers against the then St. Louis Rams. Bush ran out of bounds and slipped on a some concrete sufferin’ a torn lateral meniscus, which ended his season.

The followin’ year in 2016 he signed a one year deal with Buffalo but only had 12 carries for minus-3 yards, 7 catches for 90 yards and a touchdown. That pretty much ended his 11-year NFL career. Ole boy believes that he would have signed a longer contract had he not suffered the injury the year before because of the foolishness in St. Louis.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Good for him playa!!! Good for him!!! They ordered the Rams to shell out $4.95 million in compensatory damages and $7.5 million in punitive damages. Sounds good to me.

I bet they’ll do a better job of makin’ sure the sidelines are safe now. What most people don’t understand is that these cat’s bodies are their money makers and they’ve only got a short window of time to get paid. Reggie Bush is only 33 years old and now he’s done playin’ ball. So it’s paramount for people like him to keep their bodies safe and well-tuned for as long as they possibly can.

It’s like a surgeon keepin’ his or her hands safe. They can’t even afford to get a paper cut. Professionals like that can’t be runnin’ around playin’ with knives and sticks and foolishness like that. They make every dime they get with their hands. So keepin’ them safe are their top priority. Yo Reggie? Play on Playa!!! He’s now out of the league and workin’ as an analyst for NFL Network. That $12.5 million just came in handy for retirement after the NFL Network gig dries up. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

2) Ole boy: noun – the person that I’m currently talkin’ about.

The G is excluded from the endings of all words because the G is near and dear to my heart because I’m from “The G” which is Gary, Indiana. So I only use the G when I’m talkin’ about “The G!”

The caption under the photo isn’t real but its real talk!