Raven quarterback being reckless with his career driving 105MPH and no seat belt! “Think Bruh”

Photo: TheUndefeated.com

We live in a day and age where everybody wants to be seen 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Social media has given the thirsty for attention-type cats that on full throttle. On Wednesday afternoon Ravens quarterback, Lamar Jackson, decided that it was a great idea to post to his Instagram story a video of himself driving on the expressway with his camera in his hand showing off a couple of things.

Ole boy had the phone pointed to the steering wheel and dashboard to let boyz know that he was driving a Mercedes and that he had on some serious bling on his wrist. There was absolutely no other reason to film that foolishness right? Problem? Naw…not really if that’s what he wanted to do.

However, TMZ picked up the video and pointed out that the dun was driving 105MPH and the seat belt light was on. It appears that he was the only person in the ride so he’s the starting quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens driving 105MPH without a seat belt on.

You do the math playa and tell me how much sense that makes for him and the Ravens. Obviously somebody called him and “tightened him up” like my old man used to say because he took the post down and issued an apology on Twitter.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! These young cats have no idea the opportunity that they have in playing a freaking sport for a living and not just barely making a living either. These dudes are getting rich and are doing things everyday to destroy that very opportunity.

Teams are putting clauses into contracts everyday about this very foolishness. They don’t want to be on the hook for a career ending injury that a player suffers while doing something ignorant. Driving 105MPH bruh? C’mon playa.

Oh, I’m being over the top? Go ask Jason (Jay) Williams how his NBA career worked out after riding that stupid motorcycle and crashing it after only playing for the Bulls for one season. Doing dumb stuff out here ain’t a joke.

A professional athlete putting his or her body in jeopardy is like a surgeon playing with knives and sticking his hands down into the garbage disposal. I’m just sayin’ and stop me when I start lyin’!