Big Ten votes unanimously to play football but won’t keep it real as to why! “Pressure and Bread”

Big Momma always said never allow others to talk you into some foolishness. My old man would break it down this way. “Don’t get caught driving the getaway car because the driver was the idiot that never knew what the plan was. He was just the dun they talked into driving.”

It’s called peer pressure and the Big Ten just folded to outside influences. talked them into diving into the pool head first. On Wednesday the league’s presidents and chancellors unanimously voted to play the 2020 football season that will kick off on October 24.

Instead of just saying that they couldn’t pass up the bread, which we all know is the case. They peed on our legs and literally told us that it was raining. Out of the cracks of their behinds they cited daily testing capabilities and a stronger confidence in the latest medical information as the reason they decided to play.

The latest medical information tells us that the virus is as strong as it’s ever been. There is a surge in most states and folks are still dying at alarming rates. So please don’t tell us that you’re looking at the latest medical information and that gave you the confidence to move forward.

Just say, “Hey look here playa…if the SEC, Big 12 and ACC are the only one’s playing we’re missing out on all of that bread and they’ll just split it three ways. We can’t let them do that! No way.”

The Big Ten is looking to make about $750 million with the schools getting $55 million each. That’s a lot of cake to leave on the table when they really don’t care about the kids playing anyway.

LSU’s Ed Ogeron said just a couple of days ago that darn near his entire team has had the virus or currently has it but they’re still moving forward. He’s hoping for a herd immunity according to him.

These cats care nothing about these kids. They only care about the bread they could potentially miss out on and if that’s the case just say it. Nobody’s thinking about the long term side effects of having the virus either. So who cares if my young athletes get it. They’re healthy enough right now to get through it symptom free and we can more on.

I think that it’s crazy that anybody is playing but I’m not crazy enough to think people who make a living coaching football and working in football are going to volunteer not to play. Not with all of that bread on the table. Just say what it is. “We gotta get this bread.” And I can respect that as long and the players that are putting their health at risk can get their cut of the pie. Stop me when I start lyin’!