Ball State wins at Notre Dame regardless of bein’ short 8 points! “Chirp-Chirp!”

"Don't believe the score bruh. They really won this game." Photo: Nam Y. Huh

SOUTH BEND, IN — Ball State is a mid-major mediocre football program, at best. They went up to South Bend on Saturday to play the Fightin’ Irish of Notre Dame under the watchful eye of Touchdown Jesus and like my momma used to say, “Showed their bare bottoms!” When the smoke and confusion cleared Ball State was able to walk out of the joint with their heads held high with a win even though they scored 8 less points that Notre Dame. The final score was 24-16 Notre Dame but are we really usin’ basic math?

However, NOBODY in Muncie, Indiana or the world of college football, for that matter, thinks that Ball State loss on Saturday. They’re goin’ to party like it’s 1999 in Muncie on Saturday night. They played on NATIONAL TELEVISION in front of everybody’s Big Momma, baby’s momma and Uncle Pablo, LeRoy and Vinny and didn’t get embarrassed!!!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! No way were the Cardinals supposed to be even identifiable in the fourth quarter of that ball game but they were still hangin’ around until Notre Dame’s final possession. Bruh…they played on the same field the Four Horseman once galloped. Knute Rockne walked those very sidelines. Do you understand that John Huarte, Paul Hornung, John Lattner, Leon Hart, Johnny Lujack, Angelo Bertelli and Tim Brown all won Heisman Trophies playin’ in that stadium.

They’ve won 11 national championships on the very spot that the Ball State Cardinals showed up to be sacrificed on. And guess what playa? They held their own and only scored 8 less points than the Fightin’ Irish. Now they got off the bus dizzy and completely overwhelmed as indicated by Notre Dame’s openin’ drive where boyz were gettin’ pushed around but they quickly settled down.

Yeah…so on paper it goes down as a loss but in the minds of the duns at Ball State they may as well have just won the national title!! Boyz are layin’ up in the dorm gettin’ ready to go to the party sayin’, “Bruh…we played them boyz tight today! Nobody gave us a chance to be within 20 points and we took them to the wire! And guess what? We bout to do some damage in the M.A.C.!!!”

ABSOLUTELY!!!! If they can go on the road to one of the most storied programs in the history of college football history and hold their own. They’re about to be a problem in their own conference. Well…they should. That’s if they don’t stop workin’ and use this experience as motivation. Yessirrrrr, they won that game no matter what the record books say. Congrats Ball State for reppin’ and Chirp-Chirp!!! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:

 1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

2) Ole boy: noun – the person that I’m currently talkin’ about.

The G is excluded from the endings of all words because the G is near and dear to my heart because I’m from “The G” which is Gary, Indiana. So I only use the G when I’m talkin’ about “The G!”

The caption under the photo isn’t real but its real talk!