At least the Judge in the Kellen Winslow Jr. case had good sense on Friday! “Darn Shame”

Photo: Hayne Palmour/The San Diego Union-Tribune

On Friday at least somebody in criminal justice system had good sense! Superior Court Judge Robert Dahlquist ordered Kellen Winslow Jr. to be held without bail when he showed up to court for his preliminary hearin’. He was in court to face nine criminal charges that included two counts of forcible rape, one count of forcible sodomy, one count of forcible oral copulation, one count of kidnapping with the intent to commit rape, residential burglary and indecent exposure.

The dun was arrested on Thursday and for some strange reason he allowed to post a $50,000 bond and went to the crib!!! Who does that? I would normally say, “Wheredeydodatat?” but this is ridiculous. If ole boy was even suspected of doin’ all of that he shouldn’t have been able to post bail of any amount.

Durin’ the hearin’ more details started fallin’ out of the closet paintin’ the picture of a complete SAVAGE! On the charges alone from Thursday there’s no way he should have been released but after hearin’ some of the details the Friday dun that even requested bail should be arrested for bein’ in court soundin’ like a stark ravin’ maniac butt naked foamin’ at the mouth!

Accordin’ to the chargin’ documents, this Winslow Jr. allegedly kidnapped and raped a 54-year-old woman on March 13 and then a 59-year-old woman on May 13.

Then the prosecutors say the dun exposed himself in a public place on May 24. If that wasn’t enough ole boy allegedly broke into the home of a 71-year-old woman on June 1 and an 86-year-old woman on June 7. Oh, not to mention that he’d already been arrested and released last week on burglary charges. Back in 2013 the dun was arrested for sittin’ in his ride masturbatin’ in the parkin’ lot of a New Jersey department store. Bruh…I can’t make this up.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! If he’s been doin’ all of that why was he still walkin’ around? C’mon playa!! I know that you’re innocent before proven guilty but you’ve gotta keep a close eye on a boy that’s constantly into foolishness and that type of alleged foolishness needs supervised eyes in jail before trial.

Maybe he’s got some addiction problems and he’s been cryin’ out for help or maybe he’s just lost his freakin’ mind. Either way he’s a threat to society and himself because he’s gonna run up on the wrong somebody’s momma and we won’t have to worry about him pullin’ another stunt. I’m just sayin’.

Regardless of the reasons as to why he’s ended up here, it’s a darn shame. Ole boy grew up in a well-to-do household with an NFL Hall of Fame dad with every opportunity afforded him. He played 10 seasons in the NFL himself from 2004-2013 puttin’ up crazy numbers endin’ his career with 469 catches for 5,236 yards and 25 touchdowns in 105 games.

Now he’s sittin’ in jail without bond facin’ life in prison. That’s a darn shame! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

2) Ole boy: noun – the person that I’m currently talkin’ about.

3) Ride: noun – automobile

4) Crib: noun – a person’s home

The G is excluded from the endings of all words because the G is near and dear to my heart because I’m from “The G” which is Gary, Indiana. So I only use the G when I’m talkin’ about “The G!”

The caption under the photo isn’t real but its real talk!